SameGoal Special Programs
SameGoal Special Programs

RTI/MTSS in Ohio

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RTI/MTSS in Ohio
September 22, 2023

We’re excited to announce that RTI/MTSS is now available in SameGoal for Ohio! We’ve added new forms, deadlines, and program participation tracking.

Forms link

lightbulb Tip
With the addition of new forms, administrative users will need to update user role permissions in order for the forms to be accessible to non-admin users.

New forms added:

The typical progression of these documents is Plan, Progress Report, Follow-Up. Tier 2 and tier 3 documents are very similar but are kept separate to help track a student’s movement between tiers.

Deadlines link

When a user completes an RTI plan document, a RTI Follow-Up deadline is calculated based on the recommended follow-up date listed in the plan.

When a user completes an RTI follow-up document, if the decision was made to continue with either tier 2 or tier 3, an RTI Plan deadline is calculated based on the recommended follow-up date listed in the follow-up document.

For more information, visit the RTI/MTSS Deadlines support guide.

Program participation link

Once an initial RTI plan document is completed for a student, they are considered to be “participating” in RTI as of the start date listed in the document.

The participation status will indicate which tier the student is in based on which plan document has been created for them/the decision made in the follow-up document (continue/move to tier 2/3).

A student will exit the program if in the RTI follow-up document, the decision is made that the child no longer requires any tier 2 or tier 3 interventions.

For more information, visit the RTI/MTSS Participation support guide.
